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  • Cornerstone Church

Assyria Attacks

Assyria has come to conquer the Northern Kingdom of Israel due to following the sin of Jeroboam. He was the first king of the Northern Kingdom who established idol worship for fear the people would turn on him if they went to worship in Jerusalem. God is declaring judgement against Israel, Judah, and the other nations of the world that will not obey. Notice the references to “the day” or “in/on that day.” Both Isaiah and Micah are prophesying and explaining current events, however they also prophesy about Christ’s first coming, as well as his second coming on “that day.” This would be the day of judgement when the LORD returns to establish his kingdom, accompanied by his physical presence. Read prophecies that have occurred at the time of exile, also during Christ’s first coming, and will occur in the future. Remember the Garden of Eden, that God desired a world filled with worshippers. Mankind would be God’s representatives of His character to the world. Despite the fall, through Abraham, God promised to bless all people through a nation. The Big Picture becomes clearer this week, because that blessing will be a ruler from Bethlehem.

Each week, as you take in the Bible, find some friends to talk it out. You can follow this simple guide to help. First, R.E.A.D. and P.R.A.Y. on your own. Then, meet with friends to share what you've learned.

R - Repeated words

E - Examine and mark

A - Ask what you learn about God

D - Do if there is anything to do

P - Praise

R - Repent

A - Ask

Y - Yield 

Bible Plan Reading - Week 36


We're reading the Bible together in 2024. Specifically, we're taking a journey into how the story of the Bible unfolded in the Old Testament. If we get the big picture, we get the story the Bible is trying to tell us. From Sunday's message or The Big Picture Bible Reading Plan this week in the book of Chronicles or Isaiah or Micah, what is impacting you the most? Was there a word, phrase, Bible verse, or theme that impacted you?



Read 2 Kings 17:3-4. Who was Hoshea looking to partner with in verse 3 for protection instead of God? Who was Hoshea looking to partner with in verse 4 for protection instead of Assyria? What was the reason for the exile according to Assyria?


Read 2 Kings 17:7-8. What was the deeper reason for the exile? Who are the people of God supposed to be according to Exodus 19:5-6, and how have they fallen short?


Read 2 Kings 17:24, 29. Who inhabited the land of Samaria? Read 1 Kings 12:25-29 What were their religious practices? Read 2 Kings 17:41.


Read Isaiah 13:19-22. What judgement does Isaiah prophesy against the ancient city of Babylon? Where is the ancient city of Babylon located today?


Read Micah 5:2 and Luke 2:4-11. What prophecy of Micah was fulfilled?



Read 2 Kings 17:9. Have you ever wondered if God was going to give up on you because of "secret" sins? Read Romans 3:23-24. How does seeing God’s grace help you reject sin and follow in obedience?


Read 2 Kings 17:14. Before any sinful action, what was the deeper issue? Read Proverbs 3:5-6. How are you tempted to look for protection outside of God like Hoshea?


Read James 2:18-20. How does a person’s actions reveal what they truly believe in their heart? Read Ephesians 4:1. How are you striving with God’s empowerment to be worthy of your calling?


Read Micah 6:8. Pray that God would show you any area of your life that does not align with your faith. What is an action or attitude that you could repent of today? What is an action or attitude that the LORD has been helping you change to His glory?


Read Micah 7:18-20. What is God doing today that you are grateful for? How has God been faithful to show you compassion and steadfast love?


Samaria became a place of mixed worship and cultures. The LORD’s original command for Israel to stay separate from other nations was about not allowing false idols and practices into the people of Israel. The Northern Kingdom did not stay set apart, but became a mixture of groups and idolatry that became the area of Samaria. Conversely, there are examples of people of other cultures joining in the worship of the one true God, such as Rahab the prostitute. Remember God wants to reconcile all nations through His people. His people from the southern area, however, wrongly developed a prejudice and self-righteousness against Samaritans. In John 4:7-9, there is another woman on the outskirts of society like Rahab the prostitute. She is shocked when Jesus is talking to not only a woman, but a Samaritan woman. Jesus explains he is the Messiah she has waited for, that will allow people from all over the world to worship God in spirit and truth. He will and still does give living water to all who come to Him and they will never thirst again.


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